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Desert in Dark

The Chairman of the Board


Rev. Jeon Seung-Hwan


It is written in the bible that 'They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. (Ps. 126:5)'. Thanks to the devotion of Missionary Kwon Young Han who answered God's calling and in order to realize the God-sent dream, started to sow tears in wasteland 25 years ago, PIC was founded and now it is beginning to pay off little by little.


Our graduates all over the Philippines have done amazing jobs. they established churches or schools, or became teachers and have been training many students and also sending them to their Alma Mater, PIC.


From these beautiful results, we have realized that sowing the seeds in tears brings joy indeed. We will dream a bigger dream and diligently sow more seeds in tears. And we will do our best to raise our students into real people who are sincere before God and others and dedicate themselves as a grain of wheat. In addition, we pray that PIC would nurture Global Christian Leaders who would have left their marks on history, with the world in their hearts. PIC vows to do its best to completely realize God's will as a Christian University. May the grace and great love of God go with everyone who joins PIC.

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